Friday, November 17, 2023
The world is going through a transition. Are you?
Transition periods are the times when the opportunities are the greatest. Most people think of them as painful because they focus on what they are losing instead of what they are coming into.
Transitions present opportunities to reinvent yourself, in fact they demand it.
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of cornering my former coach, world champion and UFC hall of famer Pat Miletich.
Pat was incredible fighter and even better coach, cultivating multiple UFC champs and hall of famers, Matt Hughes, Jens Pulver, Robby Lawler, Tim Sylvia, and many more. The list of world class athletes that came out of Miletich Fighting Systems is extensive.
One of the most important things I learned from Pat, that made him such a pioneer in MMA, was how to do damage to your opponent during a transition.
Usually fighters think of the fight in 3 phases: striking, wrestling and then ground game (jui jitsu). Its the periods in between, the transitions, that create massive opportunities. Most fighters take these transitions for granted, they let their guard down. They think ok... we were on the ground now we're transitioning to our feet, I can relax as we separate, gather myself and then reengage. The same pattern shows up transitioning out of the clinch, on the way from the feet to the ground, and again from the ground back up to the feet.
We were trained to look for knockouts as that separation was occurring. We looked for submissions on the way to the ground and back up from it. The best time to kick someone in the head was while transitioning away from the clinch, when most fighters let their guards down.
You might not need to land a precise head kick while someone is transitioning back to their feet, or meet a takedown with a flying knee but the lesson is universal.
Most people are just trying to just survive during transitional periods, but they are the greatest opportunities to grow by leaps and bounds if you've trained yourself to look for the opportunities in them.
Another thing Pat was great at was seeing the potential in athletes and drawing it out of them. He saw Champions in everyone he trained, he held the vision of success such that there was no room for doubt.
Do you have someone in your life that can see the potential that lies dormant inside you?
ok so how does this apply to you? I recently hosted a FREE mindset training to help you reinvent yourself through a transitional period, to hold the image of who you want to be so clearly that your subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs fall away. I hosted this program with my mentor, another man with an incredible ability to draw out the potential in his students, Freddy Jacquin. The link to access the recording is at the bottom of the page.
Am I selling something? You bet your ass I am.
I am selling you on you. Maxwell Maltz says "Your most important sale in life is to sell yourself to yourself." I know what can happen and how fast changes can be made when the subconscious mind is used in the correct way. I believe in your greatness and I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't step up and show you how use your mind and emotions to reinvent yourself through your transition.
I know that painful transition periods can be turned into incredible opportunities with the right perspective and mental training.
If you'd like to check out the FREE "Blockbuster" mindset training replay click the link!
Ready to experience the power of Hypnosis? Access the FREE 12 minute hypnosis process, the "Psychological Decapitation" to clear your mind, relax your body and orient your subconscious mind towrds your goals.
The world is going through a transition. Are you?
Transition periods are the times when the opportunities are the greatest. Most people think of them as painful because they focus on what they are losing instead of what they are coming into.
Transitions present opportunities to reinvent yourself, in fact they demand it.
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of cornering my former coach, world champion and UFC hall of famer Pat Miletich.
Pat was incredible fighter and even better coach, cultivating multiple UFC champs and hall of famers, Matt Hughes, Jens Pulver, Robby Lawler, Tim Sylvia, and many more. The list of world class athletes that came out of Miletich Fighting Systems is extensive.
One of the most important things I learned from Pat, that made him such a pioneer in MMA, was how to do damage to your opponent during a transition.
Usually fighters think of the fight in 3 phases: striking, wrestling and then ground game (jui jitsu). Its the periods in between, the transitions, that create massive opportunities. Most fighters take these transitions for granted, they let their guard down. They think ok... we were on the ground now we're transitioning to our feet, I can relax as we separate, gather myself and then reengage. The same pattern shows up transitioning out of the clinch, on the way from the feet to the ground, and again from the ground back up to the feet.
We were trained to look for knockouts as that separation was occurring. We looked for submissions on the way to the ground and back up from it. The best time to kick someone in the head was while transitioning away from the clinch, when most fighters let their guards down.
You might not need to land a precise head kick while someone is transitioning back to their feet, or meet a takedown with a flying knee but the lesson is universal.
Most people are just trying to just survive during transitional periods, but they are the greatest opportunities to grow by leaps and bounds if you've trained yourself to look for the opportunities in them.
Another thing Pat was great at was seeing the potential in athletes and drawing it out of them. He saw Champions in everyone he trained, he held the vision of success such that there was no room for doubt.
Do you have someone in your life that can see the potential that lies dormant inside you?
ok so how does this apply to you? I recently hosted a FREE mindset training to help you reinvent yourself through a transitional period, to hold the image of who you want to be so clearly that your subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs fall away. I hosted this program with my mentor, another man with an incredible ability to draw out the potential in his students, Freddy Jacquin. The link to access the recording is at the bottom of the page.
Am I selling something? You bet your ass I am.
I am selling you on you. Maxwell Maltz says "Your most important sale in life is to sell yourself to yourself." I know what can happen and how fast changes can be made when the subconscious mind is used in the correct way. I believe in your greatness and I would be doing you a disservice if I didn't step up and show you how use your mind and emotions to reinvent yourself through your transition.
I know that painful transition periods can be turned into incredible opportunities with the right perspective and mental training.
If you'd like to check out the FREE "Blockbuster" mindset training replay click the link!
Ready to experience the power of Hypnosis? Access the FREE 12 minute hypnosis process, the "Psychological Decapitation" to clear your mind, relax your body and orient your subconscious mind towrds your goals.
Ministry of the Mind • 2024 • All Rights Reserved