Tuesday, November 21, 2023
“I’m stuck” is a common phrase almost everyone utters at some point in their life. We’ve all felt “stuck” at times.
But what does “stuck” even mean?
Of course you aren’t actually stuck, you aren’t a tree. As humans all we are is change! We are ALWAYS in all ways changing! Every cell and molecule of our body are in constant flux and transition, the brain is built to learn on its own, in fact you couldn’t stop it from learning even if you tried!
When people say they are “stuck” what they are describing is a feeling they are having, an experience. That experience is generated by a habitual pattern of thinking. That pattern of thinking is what we call a representation. We are representing the situation to ourselves in a certain way that makes it FEEL like we’re stuck. Of course we aren’t stuck but that’s the experience.
In fact the brain has to manage and navigate an incredible amount of data and opportunities to even create the experience of being stuck in the first place. Think of it as the equivalent of swimming in the ocean. You are fighting tides, currents and waves to stay in the same place would actually be an incredible feat! That’s how our life is!
You just need to give your brain clear instructions and it can take you anywhere you want to go!
So here’s how we represent stuck states to ourselves and how to shift out of them. Subconsciously we create images, sounds and feelings linked to a certain context. When that image, sound, feeling gets repeatedly link to a specific context it can feel like we are stuck with that experience in that context.
I worked with a woman who felt “stuck”. I asked how she knew she was stuck, what she saw, what she felt and what she heard. Her subconscious mind generated an image of her ex husband’s hand holding onto her hand, and holding her back from moving forward, and it made her feel heavy and condensed in her chest and heart. Of course this representation wasn’t real, it was just her brain’s way of representing the situation.
I helped her to change the representation and she immediately felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. After a few tears she hugged me and said that she couldn’t believe how intense and how fast the shift was!
My first ever coaching client was a realtor in Saint Martin. He was doing pretty well but seemed to be “stuck” with a certain deal size. I asked him what a BIG deal looked and felt like and he said that the image was massive, it was right in his face and he couldn’t see the whole image. No wonder he felt overwhelmed by the thought of doing bigger deals!
The truth is those bigger deals aren’t any more complex than smaller deals, there is just more money on the line so we often represent them in disempowering ways. Once we shrunk the picture of the bigger deals down to a manageable size in his mind he felt calm about them and went on to consistently do deals that had previously intimidated him.
Change doesn’t take time, it can happen really fast when we know which levers to push.
One thing I often do with my clients who say they are stuck is give them the hypnotic experience of their hands being stuck together. They get the experience of the mind creating the stuck feeling, then they also get instant relief as the mind releases the stuck feeling.
It’s the perfect segue for the rapid change work that is about to follow as they use the same mind to release themselves from the old stuck experience!
If you feel like you are stuck in any area of your life and you could use an instant change in the way your mind represents your situation feel free to listen to my recent group hypnosis session called the “Blockbuster Hypnosis Protocol”.
My partner Freddy Jacquin and I helped over 150 of our clients blast through their limiting patterns and completely free themselves from a variety of “stuck” experiences. The results were incredible.
If you’d like to listen to the recording and experience the power of hypnosis click the link below and get instant access!
Ready to experience the power of Hypnosis? Access the FREE 12 minute hypnosis process, the "Psychological Decapitation" to clear your mind, relax your body and orient your subconscious mind towrds your goals.
“I’m stuck” is a common phrase almost everyone utters at some point in their life. We’ve all felt “stuck” at times.
But what does “stuck” even mean?
Of course you aren’t actually stuck, you aren’t a tree. As humans all we are is change! We are ALWAYS in all ways changing! Every cell and molecule of our body are in constant flux and transition, the brain is built to learn on its own, in fact you couldn’t stop it from learning even if you tried!
When people say they are “stuck” what they are describing is a feeling they are having, an experience. That experience is generated by a habitual pattern of thinking. That pattern of thinking is what we call a representation. We are representing the situation to ourselves in a certain way that makes it FEEL like we’re stuck. Of course we aren’t stuck but that’s the experience.
In fact the brain has to manage and navigate an incredible amount of data and opportunities to even create the experience of being stuck in the first place. Think of it as the equivalent of swimming in the ocean. You are fighting tides, currents and waves to stay in the same place would actually be an incredible feat! That’s how our life is!
You just need to give your brain clear instructions and it can take you anywhere you want to go!
So here’s how we represent stuck states to ourselves and how to shift out of them. Subconsciously we create images, sounds and feelings linked to a certain context. When that image, sound, feeling gets repeatedly link to a specific context it can feel like we are stuck with that experience in that context.
I worked with a woman who felt “stuck”. I asked how she knew she was stuck, what she saw, what she felt and what she heard. Her subconscious mind generated an image of her ex husband’s hand holding onto her hand, and holding her back from moving forward, and it made her feel heavy and condensed in her chest and heart. Of course this representation wasn’t real, it was just her brain’s way of representing the situation.
I helped her to change the representation and she immediately felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. After a few tears she hugged me and said that she couldn’t believe how intense and how fast the shift was!
My first ever coaching client was a realtor in Saint Martin. He was doing pretty well but seemed to be “stuck” with a certain deal size. I asked him what a BIG deal looked and felt like and he said that the image was massive, it was right in his face and he couldn’t see the whole image. No wonder he felt overwhelmed by the thought of doing bigger deals!
The truth is those bigger deals aren’t any more complex than smaller deals, there is just more money on the line so we often represent them in disempowering ways. Once we shrunk the picture of the bigger deals down to a manageable size in his mind he felt calm about them and went on to consistently do deals that had previously intimidated him.
Change doesn’t take time, it can happen really fast when we know which levers to push.
One thing I often do with my clients who say they are stuck is give them the hypnotic experience of their hands being stuck together. They get the experience of the mind creating the stuck feeling, then they also get instant relief as the mind releases the stuck feeling.
It’s the perfect segue for the rapid change work that is about to follow as they use the same mind to release themselves from the old stuck experience!
If you feel like you are stuck in any area of your life and you could use an instant change in the way your mind represents your situation feel free to listen to my recent group hypnosis session called the “Blockbuster Hypnosis Protocol”.
My partner Freddy Jacquin and I helped over 150 of our clients blast through their limiting patterns and completely free themselves from a variety of “stuck” experiences. The results were incredible.
If you’d like to listen to the recording and experience the power of hypnosis click the link below and get instant access!
Ready to experience the power of Hypnosis? Access the FREE 12 minute hypnosis process, the "Psychological Decapitation" to clear your mind, relax your body and orient your subconscious mind towrds your goals.
Ministry of the Mind • 2024 • All Rights Reserved