Eliminate Performance Anxiety and Perform Like a Genius Through the Power of Mental Rehearsal 

The Pre-Formance Protocol FREE Hypnosis Audio

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What is the Pre-formance Protocol, and how do I use it?

How would you like to be able to step into your most confident and capable self for every one of life’s performances? After all, life is just one continuous performance isn’t it?

I’m going to show you exactly how to do that using the art of mental rehearsal, or what I call the “Pre-formance Protocol.” In order to perform at your very best, even better than you thought possible, it’s crucial to “pre-form” the performance in your mind’s eye in order to communicate to the subconscious mind what you want.

The Pre-formance Protocol is a process that pairs hypnosis and mental rehearsal into a simple and repeatable protocol for you to master your emotions and train your body and brain to propel you to perform like a genius - consistently.

Performance Anxiety is a Thing of the Past.

Here's what you get:

The Pre-formance Protocol Book

 Learn the exact process I use to help my clients reliably perform under pressure

Put yourself into the perfect mental state. Everytime.

Apply the protocol to perform better in all areas of life

Communicate directly with your Subconscious Mind

Pre-formance Hyposis Audio

I walk you step-by-step through the entire protocol

Link the proper brainwave states to any performance context

Tell your subconscious mind EXACTLY how you want it to perform

Get instant results - more confidence, flow, presence and creativity - NOW

Get the Step-by-Step Audio to Unstoppable Confidence and Flow in ANY Performance Situation.

About the Author

Nicholas Spohn

Through the years Nicholas has had to overcome performance anxiety, nervousness, freezing, tension and underperformance in many areas of life. Through these struggles he learned and developed the techniques and protocol that you are about to experience. From anxious to confident Nicholas mastered his mind and his emotions and now brings his years of struggle, hardship and learning to help you shortcut the process. He has successfully applied these techniques for himself and his clients to master their mind in areas of collegiate and professional sports, dating, public speaking, coaching, sales, musical performance and many others. What used to take him months to master has now been boiled down to just a few minutes of subconscious programming with...

​The Pre-formance Protocol